Wednesday, June 20, 2012

They'll Be Begging to Go to Their Rooms

And my kids think I'm too tough?

Sometimes: My kids think I'm mean. They think my rules aren't fair. They think I'm unreasonable.

I  think I'm too easy on them much of the time.

Perhaps they would be a little more appreciative if they had a different parent.

Like the one in Singapore who found my blog by Googling:

"I want to cane my daughter and cut off all her hair"

This was the actual link to the search.
15 Jun09:19:58

They must have been very disappointed to find a Moon Music post about general goofiness and my daughters cutting their hair against My Will. The only canes I'll be using are the kind you walk with, when I'm old and a haircut is more likely to make ME cry than it will them. Can I understand what might have prompted this reaction from a parent? Yes actually. I can. I'm hoping they got it out of their system with that Google search and moved on to a better solution.

I feel like the most Awesome Parent in the planet right now. I'll be making sure mine know about it.

Next time your kids are in trouble and tell you you're "mean or unfair:"
 Feel Free To Share This Post.

That'll fix the little buggers ; )
© 2012 All Rights Reserved by MOTPG


  1. You know I'm going to do just that! LOL! Since my oldest turned the ripe old age of 13, the word "mean" comes up more times than I'd care to hear...

    How are you? It has been so long since I traveled throughout the blogosphere. I took a break to finish writing a first try at a novel, and I finished it (well, sort of...the first draft at least, now it's all that editing fun stuff to look forward to.) You know I come back here for your "stories"-ever think of taking that next step? You would be great! :)

    1. YAY Susan! I was afraid you were gone forever. I'm so proud of you : )

    2. Oh! And my condolences on the new 'teenager' ; )

  2. My kids thought I was mean, too. Truthfully, if I had to do it again, I'D BE MUCH MEANER!

    1. The thought of doing it over makes me want to join a convent ; )

  3. Shaking in my boots at how scary you seem :-)

    1. I'm not the scary one! Just last night the girls were discussing whether Littlest rarely gets in trouble because, Lit is 'the good child'-her version, or because ' we wore mom out and she can't be bothered anymore'-Mids explanation. I think it's somewhere in the middle ; )

  4. I have to agree with your girls' theory about the youngest getting away with more because you're tired. It always worked that way for me...until I was a teenager and I couldn't put anything over on the folks because they had seen everything before. :-/

    Since I WAS the perpetually grounded, I love your blog! That means that in addition to all your other chores, you have some more: please come by my place and pick up your Inspirational Blogger award! :-)

    1. The theory is true! I was a youngest also and my siblings did such a great job that my parents were exhausted and I got away with almost everything ; )

      And Thank You!

  5. :-0 oh my!!!!!!! I tell my kids all the time, "if you only knew!" If they were born a couple generations back, they'll be getting beatings. I'm so thankful to know they'VR got it good even if they don't always think so.

    1. I know! When I read that I wondered what the poor young lady did. Though I can imagine the possibilities I know cruelty won't fix them.

  6. My daughter usually only says 'you're mean' when I've told a story about her that I think is cute and she thinks is embarrassing. Then again, she's only nine. I have never wanted to cane her and cut off all her hair. Then again, she's only nine.

    1. I can't imagine you being that mean Allison, or Eve ever making you that angry. I think you're both safe : )


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