Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...Except Not..

Since my theme this week seems to be pointless I decided to continue on. I can't show you myself but I can show you a little bit of my world. The fact is that I am a  bad phtographer. But I don't really care. I don't put my name on my pictures because I think they are a work of art someone might steal. It's  because they are well...mine. I mean, how can you live without seeing this stuff. These are some things I like, or collect and some I have blogged about and some ...I haven't. See, the theme IS pointless. Ok.

This is my favorite tree. Or part of it anyway.

What has my Summer Vacation been up to and what does
 Big Dog actually think of him?
He's up to about 52 lbs. at 5 months and well....yeah : )

My "cat stuff" collection is spread all over the house and
I can't find my favorite cat so here is a picture
of Littlests' favorite cat.

This is inside my house. No kidding! It's a skink. He's been in for months. The dogs hardly pay attention to him so he hangs out with them. Because he's hanging with the dogs, the cats haven't found him.
He may stay. He eats bugs. I dislike indoor bugs.

What are Aragorn and Legolas up to?
 Actually this was what they were up to last week.
 Today they are in my fridge. Yes that's a very dusty shutter.
I have a good excuse too.

I bragged about my broom somewhere and now I have to prove it.
 I collect Ogle Brooms
( because I'm a tourist like that. This one is my Cadillac ;  )

These are some of  my Closet Cows.
 I do not like cows. That is why they are in the closet.
But I love my cows. That is why they are in the closet ; )

And last but not least, yep, it's


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  1. Wow that is some interest shit!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. Your house is fun with all those treasures!!! I wouldn't have time to talk to you if I visited because there are so many cool things to see! LOL

  3. I've read everything, but i keep going back to the skink...I'm having a hard time processing that it lives in harmony with the dogs and the cat...?

  4. you have a skink?! you are the coolest!

  5. LMAO, that's awesome! Firstly, I CANNOT BELIEVE your puppy is that big already, it seems like you JUST got him! And what the hell is a skink?? And how do you have it just wandering around your house??? I'm torn between that being totally cool, & thinking, I'd rather have the!


  6. Totally wicked--I love it--and the collection! Quite unique if I do say so myself.

  7. The skink scares me. But the name is totally cool - it reminds me of a character from a Dr. Seuss book. That broom is pretty kick-ass, though!

  8. Um, I don't know what a skink is and I'm not sure I want to know. (Nothing that moves faster than me-and there are a lot of things-is a friend of mine...)

  9. I'm in love with your broom. I'll be on the lookout for my own, now.
    And is it Fung season or what? I got lots. The shit just pops up outta nowhere.

  10. The skink did it for me but then the broom, I don't quite know what to think or say about that but have you ever heard of Mr Dyson? :-)

  11. My five year old is obsessed with your skink (now there's a sentence that sounds strange out of context!). Anyway, he keeps asking to see it :). I love the dogs! And when you said you had a picture of a fungi, I thought you meant a fun guy ;).

  12. SoccerMom: Well, it's something anyway...

    blueviolet: People are often perplexed at my house; )

    Sandra:We have one carpeted room and the dogs prefer to be in there more than the rest of the house with wood floors. The cats have decided they don't like the new dog idea so they avoid it. I'm not sure what's up with the dogs. I keep walking in and the skink is in the middle of the room with them laying right there! It's not scared of us either. I almost have to step on it to get it to move.

    mombshell: Or the weirdest..

    Mayor: it's a lizard. Bugs are a major pain where I live. I get spiders the size of kittens. I have no idea how he got inside but I keep opening the door and he just looks at it and won't leave.

    Onreeone: Glad you liked the broom : )My cow collection is against my will but many people around me find it amusing!

    Pamela: He is the quietest lizard. He sits under my desk while I work too: )

    Susan: These lizards are usually extremely fast. This one mosies. It doesn't even run from us!

    ratfacedgirl:Wirql: That artist's loop up there has received a great deal of income from me over the years. Buie makes some cool pottery too!

    Aging Mommy: I have two shop vacs for my house! With all the pets it's necessary. I just have to be careful not to suck up the skink.

  13. Peryl: Oops, my sister called while I was typing that and after I finished and submitted you appeared! I'm glad he likes it: ) They're ok to have around, except when they surprise you in the laundry. Fun guy won't let me use his picture, but he's still my favorite ; )

  14. i might like skink i think. i too, am not a fan of indoor bugs.

    those brooms are the coolest thing to collect, like, maybe ever!

    aragorn and legolas look like they are in for some tricky climbing. maybe someone should have tied them with the shade cords for safety. that dust looks pretty slippery ;-)

  15. Elissa: The dust might be slippery but they are tough! I have my excuse. Its a giant window on the second story over my front door. To get to it I would have to use a vacuum.... and reach for it.....; )

  16. Shrink?! LOL. Closet cows!LOL When I was single, I decorated my kitchen with cows. It was so bad that I covered the fridge & stove with cow print contact paper. No lie! You and your Fung. You tickle me. LOL


Just Humor Me....