Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day Moms!

Here are your instructions for tomorrow:

  1. Feet up
  2. Pillow placed.
  3. Remote to the left.
  4. Bon Bons to the right.
  5. Reading in lap.
  6. Trays should arrive and disappear at convenient intervals.
  7. Whether you require a party or peace and quiet is entirely at your discretion.
  8. All other decisions, questions, disputes and inquiries may be directed elsewhere.
  9. Damn the laundry.
  10. Wear your noodle necklace with pride, you earned it!
Have A Wonderful Mothers Day!

© 2010 All Rights Reserved


  1. I found you over at Generation X'x place and followed you over here. What made me follow? Your comment you left on her post about overbooked kids vs. unstructured kids---that could've come straight out of my mouth! I am a FIRM believer in leaving my kids up to their own devices (plus it leaves me more time to blog stalk!) and I truly love spending every waking second with them that I can. School really gets in the way of that, sometimes!

    Looking forward to getting to know you some more, and Happy Mother's Day!! : )

  2. Will do! Enjoy your one day! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Amen!! A nap, my book, and two pre-school art projects are all I need to warm my heart.

    Happy Mom's day to you!!

  4. I told my kids (and husband) that it was Mother's Day weekend, but they're not buying into that. The proof? I just finished mopping the floor and the washing machine is doing a load (but they are out getting me something...) LOL!

  5. Oh, should I?

    I've never lived large like that, dare a girl dream????

    Happy Mother's Day, awesome one!

  6. I will be printing this out and pinning it up on the fridge tomorrow in case anyone asks "What are you doing?" I'll say "Please refer to my instructions" :) Happy Mother's Day!

  7. I'd damn the laundry, but it has already damned me! Have a fab Mother's Day!

  8. Your instructions will be followed! (Except that my noodle necklaces were eaten by mice when in storage...)

    Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Found your blog through the Empress and wow! do I love your instructions for today!!

  10. Oh yes!! The noodle necklace. That is the perfect jewelry to complete any mother's day outfit.

    We went to an arts festival yesterday and my five year old secretly made me a mother's day card. When he handed me the construction paper dripping with yarn, glue, and at the top the words, "LOVE" and "MAMI" I had to choke back tears.

    These little wonders can fill you with so much love and joy.

  11. Lol. Thanks Happy Mother's Day to you too. All I can say is after breakfast, everything went back to normal.


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