Thursday, January 26, 2012

Story of My Life

It could at least have the courtesy to be four leafed or is that leaved...whatever...

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  1. Maybe it doesn't belong there, but it looks healthy!!!

  2. It is probably still growing that extra leaf. :-)

  3. Hahaha! Well, at least it's cute and perky!

  4. if it weren't for bad luck
    i'd have no luck at all
    (gloom, despair, and agony on me)

    man i miss Hee-Haw

  5. Linda: It's gets plenty of sun and water : )

    Angelia: I like how you think!

    Ms.A: I'm very fond of it.

    Elissa: That's why I love you best. I really Do : )

  6. And this is why we should just TRY to grow the weeds.

  7. I got hung up on the words and trying to figure out whether it was leaved or leafed and didn't look at the picture.
    Surely 2 and 3 leafed (leaved) clovers are just as lucky - it's all in how you look at them LOL

  8. Bibliomama: Good thinking! I would be a huge success.

    Fi: I think it's lovely myself. If it droops I get all worried and water it and turn it closer to the sun. I pretty much forget about the violets : )

  9. it looks happy there. What kind of plant is it invading on? I have no house plants and I gave up the artificial ones.

  10. I love clover! (and I hate african violets, they just sit around all mopey not doing anything)

  11. HMR Nicole: They're violets. My grandmother always kept some on her kitchen window sill. They're the only thing I don't kill--besides clover : )

    TMS Nicole: I know...they just lay around...lookin all blue ; )

    1. Holy Cow! I just realized Blogger gave me threaded commenting. YAY!!!


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